RFID DOMINATOR device with PCB, equipped in the enclosure

RFID DOMINATOR: The Ultimate Domination Stopwatch for Airsoft, Paintball

About RFID DOMINATOR – Airsoft Stopwatch

RFID DOMINATOR is a stopwatch created for Airsoft, Paintball, which increases the game experience and brings fairness. They are suitable for the DOMINATOR, Capture the Point game mode. DOMINATOR creates a point that is occupied by a team player. The device includes an LCD character display that informs about the current time of each team. At the same time, an LED diode signals the active team on the point. The player occupies the DOMINATOR point by attaching an RFID bracelet or card. When the point is occupied, an alarm beeps, announcing a change on the point. The team's time is counted until a player from another team attaches their RFID tag, or until the time is stopped by the referee. Time continues to count after the point is occupied. DOMINATOR counts the total time occupied by all teams in the game. Can be used for 2 or 4 teams in one game. In addition to stopping the clock, the referee may also reset it before a new game.

Usage Scenarios

Ideal for playgrounds, fields offering Airsoft / Paintball experience. Events such as LARP, MilSim, Scenario, Speedball, due the flash size that supports hundrets of RFID tags in a single application

Supported hardware

With RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 PCB, the following components are compatible

  • Arduino Nano V3.0
  • MFRC522 RFID-RC522 reader
  • LCD 2004A with I2C converter
  • Buzzer with 7.62 mm pitch
  • 5mm LED diodes THT
  • Resistors THT
  • DEMO firmware

    RFID DOMINATOR offers free to use DEMO firmware that allows you to test the device and its basic functions, if wired properly as on schematics available on the webpage of RFID DOMINATOR

    Modular design, Portable firmware

    Modular design of RFID DOMINATOR allows user to replace main components without needing to solder anything. By hot-swap method he can remove module and put there new one within seconds. User can copy and clone firmware to any amount of his devices. Pay license once, use as many times as you need for your devices.



    Easy to use

    Open-source HW friendly

    RFID enabled

    Modular design

    Display output

    Support & feedback


    PCB of RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 and RFID DOMINATOR 1.0. Comparsion of differences


    RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 PCB specifications

    104 x 103 x 1,6 mm, double-sided FR4 type PCB. Silkscreen on the PCB marks position and orientation of components, how these need to be soldered.

    Open-source hardware, Arduino modules Arduino compatible with PCB of RFID DOMINATOR 2.0

    Open-source hardware support

    Hardware compatible with open-source hardware

    RFID DOMINATOR's hardware is related to open-source hardware usage. It is using Arduino modules and Arduino board itself for modular design and its advantages of open-source hardware (cost-effective, easy to replace).

    Assembled PCB of RFID DOMINATOR 2.0

    Assembled PCB

    View on the PCB, after it was assembled by compatible components

    After the RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 PCB is assembled, total height of the PCB is extended to 45 mm. On the front side, there is LCD2004A screen and MFRC522 reader, alongside with LED diodes and buzzer. From the back side, there is Arduino Nano V3.0 controller. The main components are using pin headers.

    RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 enclosure with tie-belt. Mountable on the tree, pipe, wall.


    3D printed enclosure for RFID DOMINATOR 2.0

    Enclosure compatible with PCB of RFID DOMINATOR 2.0. Dimensions of the enclosure is 124 x 123 x 47 mm. PCB itself is mounted from the inside, on the front side of the enclosure using 4 pcs of M3 screws. There is possible to use 25 mm (width) tie-belt on the enclosure to mount it on the tree, joist.

    Schematics, wiring diagrams for RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 hardware

    Wiring diagram

    Wiring diagram for RFID DOMINATOR 2.0

    Wiring diagram shows, how Arduino Nano is wired with all other components. For LCD2004A, there is used hardware-wired I2C bus and for MFRC522 SPI-bus. Additional GPIOs are used for LED diodes indications and for buzzer with PWM support.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Below are the most frequently asked questions from our community.

    What Is the Energy Consumption of the System?

    The system typically consumes 40–60 mAh @ 5V, equivalent to 0.2–0.3 W. A 2000 mAh power source can run the system for 30–35 hours, depending on the load.

    Can I Power It via Powerbank?

    Yes, the RFID DOMINATOR can be powered directly using a powerbank through its 5V output. RFID DOMINATOR requires MiniUSB connector, there can be some versions of Arduino Nano with microUSB connector aswell.

    How Can I Upload the Firmware?

    Whether it’s DEMO or FINAL firmware, use the provided .hex file compatible with Arduino. Upload it using the XLoader tool. For Arduino Nano with the Old Bootloader, set the speed to 57600 baud/s, for the New Bootloader, use 115200 baud/s. Successful upload is confirmed by a message from XLoader, it can inform you about unsuccessful upload process.

    How to Copy Existing Firmware?

    Simply upload the same firmware file (.hex) you have received via email to your next RFID DOMINATOR unit. It will work by the same way and will react to the same RFID wristbands and cards. There’s no limit to the number of clones you can create, it's up to you.

    Can be a team name changed?

    Not at the moment, but soon it will be possible, when AT commands extension will be finished. Team names need to have maximum 3 letters (it will be limited by the software).

    Can DOMINATOR be used outdoors?

    DOMINATOR does not have a waterproof case. If it is dry, it can also be used outdoors. Mainly used indoors or under a shelter.

    In what form is DOMINATOR available?

    DOMINATOR is available as firmware (worldwide) or as a physical device in the form of a DIY kit (Europe only) that you can assemble yourself. You can also create your own program if you do not want a custom RFID DOMINATOR program implementation.

    Frequently asked questions about RFID DOMINATOR 2.0 device suitable for Airsoft, Paintball usage